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Carpet Cleaning in Glendale CA

Whether you are a parent in a full house or a single in a small apartment, maintaining a clean and healthy indoor environment is probably one of your biggest concerns. With all the outdoor air pollution that ends up in our homes and our air ducts, it is not easy to address all the areas that need cleaning at once. The cleaning professionals at Hippo Cleaning Services are committed to helping you achieve this goal. We have a staff of customer service representatives who can help you narrow down the services available in your price range and cleaning technicians licensed and trained to produce the results we promise.

Hidden Dangers

Carpets, upholstery, and rugs are all places in your house that can harbor massive amounts of dust mites and bacteria. Not only do they cause your items to appear old and worn out, they can also have health effects you might not be aware of, many of them manifested in respiratory issues. A thorough and deep clean will actually clean your air by removing all the dust and dander that rises up from your carpets.

How We Can Help

We don't want to scare you, we want to help you. Our vast array of cleaning services can help you keep your home cleaner, fresher and healthier for your entire family. We also understand that cleaning with harsh chemicals is associated with many undesirable side effects and that is why we are committed to green cleaning. Using Eco-Friendly products is a service we provide to you as well as to our overall environment. We are locals too and take responsibility for our communal environment.

Hippo Cleaning Services offers cleaning services fit for any budget and any time. Contact our call center at 818-945-9444 today to schedule your carpet cleaning today!

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Steam Carpet Cleaning
Allergen Dust Removal Treatment
Maintenance Cleaning Services

Hippo Cleaning Services

Carpet Cleaning Service | Hours: Mon-Sun 8:00am - 8:00pm
Phone: 818-945-9444 |
W Lomita Ave, Glendale, CA 91204
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